Saturday, January 26, 2008

Blogging is where it's at!!

Hi Everyone,

My need to tell everyone about my life has led me to blogging! So check in often and laugh. Or wonder what has gotten into me and who is that crazy woman.

My life is complicated and chaotic. I have three wonderful sons that keep on my toes and allows the chaos to reign.

I am married to my best friend, Tom. He has been my rock and, at times, been the one to totally drive me crazy.

I currently reside in the Midwest and at times wonder why. I love our new house and can't wait till spring to plant my garden. Hopefully the plants will survive my touch of death that I bring to all my house plants.

I have MS and currently waiting to see if I have ALS. The waiting is excuriating but my believe and hope that all will be well.

I am in school for my Masters/Doctorate in Social work. I love helping people and we all know the best social workers are the most dysfunctional!

I am outspoken and am fairly liberal to most things.

I work as a program director to the best program ever!

I fight hard, I live hard and I love hard. This is me and welcome to the CHAOS!!

1 comment:

Dr. faq said...

yup! blogging is everything! For me blogging keep me happy for ever. Anytime i will write and write to keep blogging. lets buddy, dont look at the back... Ok, as a dr. faz i want to ask you:

1) what do you think if i say that i also start blogging?

2) when you want to be a powerful blooger?hehehe

So sory just wanna to ask u. Cheers..